United women in faith
All women are invited to be a part of United Women in Faith (UWF). All women who commit themselves to the purpose of UWF are members of this group. Worldwide, over a million women are active in the UWF, making it one of the largest women’s groups in the world. At Central, women primarily participate in the UWF via small groups called “circles.” Four of the five circles are named in honor of prominent women who have been members of Central: Coltrane Jones, Estaline Clark, Houston Tuttle, and Jubilee Ward. Circles meet monthly (except during the summer months of June through August) to discuss mission projects, business issues, and members’ needs. Circle meetings often include delicious treats and a guest presentation.

estaline clark circle
Location: Living Values Classroom
Time: 1st Tuesday of the month, 11:00 AM
Contact: Carol Anderson
Meets to fulfill their purpose through supporting one another, women and children, and the global ministries of the church. Each month a reading program book is featured promoting continuing education.
coltrane jones
Location: 1st Floor, Langford Parlor
Time: 1st Tuesday of the month, 10:00 AM
Contact: Linda Sparks
reta steck circle
Reta Steck is a newly formed circle at Central. Several women with schedules too busy for a daytime circle came together to form what has become a very active and important part of UMW. This circle is made up of women with small children to empty nesters, some work, some volunteer, but all prefer the schedule of an evening meeting.
Reta Steck Circle holds casserole and bake sales several times a year to earn money for missions. Each year during exams, the group makes care packages for college students from Central.
houston-tuttle circle
Location: Member's homes on rotation
Time: 1st Tuesday of the month, 10:00 AM
Contact: Margaret Cox
Meets regularly to educate ourselves about the work of the missions we support globally and locally; support one another in spiritual growth; nurture fellowship among our members; support each other, and all women, as members of the Body of Christ, through advocacy for justice and equality.
jubilee ward circle
Location: Basement, Youth Room
Time: 2nd Sunday of the month
Contact: Melissa McGuire
The Jubilee Ward Circle meets for breakfast, fellowship, and a program or speaker. JWC is very mission-minded in its programs and activities. Fundraisers such as selling luminaries at Christmas and holding bake sales generate money for missions.
history of the circles
Click to read the history of each circle.

Saturday, April 5, 2025 from 6:00 - 8:30 PM
The Kettle Room at Gibson Mill
325 McGill Ave NW, Concord, NC
Kate Bowler (Author, Podcast Host, Speaker)