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ADULT sunday school classes

Central has a wide array of Faith Formation Groups to meet the needs of each of its members. We offer you the opportunity to find your community here at Central through one or more of these groups--all are welcome to join! Bring your friends and neighbors with you as you set out on a journey to grow closer to God.

Sunday School hour begins at 9:45 AM unless specified otherwise.

Questions? Contact Savannah Glover at



Central cafe

Location: 2nd Floor

Contact: Merritt White

Focuses on an in-depth study of scripture in religious, historical, geo-political, and practical context.


Christian fellowship class

Location: 2nd Floor, Education Wing

Contact: Margaret Dabbs

Mission-minded class with rotating teaching by members and invited speakers. The class is very active in the community and a variety of church leadership roles. The class has a card ministry and is made up of a variety of ages; singles and couples are all welcome.


ellen pemberton class

Location: 2nd Floor, Education Wing

Contact: Rotating Leadership

Women's class. Uses Cokesbury curriculum. Close knit and caring small group.


faith builders

Location: Basement, Kelly's Kafe

Contact: Savannah Glover

Primarily young adults, both couples and singles, though all are welcome.



jessie boger class

Location: 1st Floor, Langford Parlor

Contact: Fran Ussery

Primarily uses the United Methodist Church "Adult Bible Studies" series.


lester d. coltrane, jr.

Location: 2nd Floor

Contact: Jeff Gallup

Men's Bible Study class that uses the "Adult Bible Studies" series in its weekly lessons. Though the class is small, there is a bond of friendship and care for each member. Additionally, the class sends bereavement and "Caring About You" cards.

new beginnings

Location: 2nd Floor,

Contact: Perry and Miriam Saunders

This class is an exploration of the Bible and history of Christianity. We hold weekly discussions about discipleship and what it means to be a Christian. This class is mostly made up of middle-aged couples and singles, though all are welcome.

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