backpack buddies
The Backpack Buddies ministry at Central United Methodist Church provides food-insecure children with meals during the school year. Team members pack and deliver food for students at Coltrane-Webb Elementary School. All meals are intended to be nutritious and kid-friendly.
thank you for your generosity
If you're interested in donating, please sign up for the items you plan to purchase and bring your donations to the church. You can leave them in the shopping carts by the office or in the narthex.
Please purchase standard sized cans/boxes unless otherwise indicated. No glass containers, please! Your continued support feeds children and their families, and we thank you. Because you care, we can share with others.
If you have not participated in Backpack Buddies before and would like to know more, please don't hesitate to call or text either Doris Redding (704) 796-6290 or Margaret Dabbs (704) 791-2806.