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fully known and loved by God.

worship with us

Central UMC offers both in-person and live stream opportunities for our traditional-style worship services. All are welcome to join us as we gather to learn about and celebrate the love of Jesus Christ. We encourage everyone to dress comfortably and be yourself as you join us for worship. Whether you prefer casual attire or your Sunday best, you'll find a welcoming atmosphere full of individuals from different walks of life, all unified in our beliefs and devotion to our one God.


Here at Central, we believe in extending a gracious and warm welcome to all who enter our doors. Long-time members and first-time visitors alike feel a sense of belonging and community when they enter our sanctuary. Through engaging sermons, uplifting music, and heartfelt prayers, we cultivate an environment where you can experience the transformative power of faith.


Explore our worship services and style from the comfort of your own home by checking out our YouTube Channel. Thanks for stopping by!

Recent sermons

January 19, 2025

Getting Out, Taking Risks

New Testament Lesson: Acts 17:1-9

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About us

Learn about the rich history and core values of our church's passionate, active community. There's a place at Central for everyone.

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  • How do I share a prayer request for your pastors and prayer ministry?
    It is our privilege to pray for you. Please submit your prayer requests here.
  • How do I worship with Central?
    Please join us at either 8:45 AM or 11:00 AM on Sunday mornings. Both our 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM worship services are live-streamed on Sunday mornings. Or, you can view the YouTube recordings of the services and worship with us at your convenience. Occasionally, we worship together at one combined service on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM. Please check our website to know the schedule for the week.
  • Where are you located?
    We are located at 30 Union Street N. in downtown Concord, across the street from the public library. Click here to view us on the map!
  • Where do I park?
    Ample parking is available at the corner of Union and Killarney Streets.
  • Which door should I use?
    The big, front doors that face Union Street will take you directly into the narthex (entry area of the sanctuary). There are restrooms located in the entry area.
  • What if I want to attend Sunday school?
    Central has seven active adult Sunday school classes as well as classes for children and youth. The adult classes meet throughout the building. Children and youth classes are on the second floor. Please feel free to contact Liz Boldman, Director of Faith Formation, for more information about children and youth programming. Please contact Savanah Glover, Associate Pastor, to be get connected with an adult Sunday School class.
  • What about my children during the worship service?
    Nursery care for infants through kindergarteners is provided during worship and Sunday school the entire morning from 8:30 AM to 12:15 PM. Paid, screened nursery workers staff the nursery so your child will see familiar faces from week to week. Elementary-age children attend the first part of the 11:00 AM worship service with the congregation and then are dismissed to “Children’s Church," an age-appropriate exploration of the scripture lesson of the day. Parents and guardians meet their children following worship in the children’s area on the second floor of the building.
  • What should I wear? Do people dress up at Central on Sunday mornings?
    Central is a diverse congregation represented by people with many different styles. Some folks wear dresses or a suit and tie. Others wear jeans and tennis shoes. Whatever your style, you are welcome at Central. (The 11:00 AM service folks tend to dress up a little more than the 8:45 AM attendees).
  • What about communion? Do I have to be a United Methodist to participate?
    The communion table is Christ’s table, and you are welcomed to participate no matter your denominational background. Communion is celebrated most Sundays as part of the 8:45 AM service and monthly at the 11:00 AM service. The ushers direct us to walk to the front of the sanctuary, and we are served communion face-to-face. Most people prefer to be served by intinction (dipping the bread into the chalice), but we also offer the option of individual communion kits and gluten free wafers. We use grape juice (not wine) for communion.

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