music ministry
We offer a wide variety of music at Central United Methodist Church. Susan Renz is our Music Minister and organist, and Donna Hill is our Chancel Choir Director. Oftentimes, we'll bring in talented musicians from the Charlotte area to play in worship alongside our choir.
adult chancel choir
Central's Chancel Choir singers love one another, love God, and love making music. Music is a way of seeking God, a way of finding God, and a way of sharing God’s love with others. We discover with one another how music can unite us, heal us, challenge us, and teach us. Thanks be to God for music, and thanks be to God for Central where music is appreciated and nurtured.
The Chancel Choir is a non-auditioned group that welcomes anyone who wants to come and make music with us. The choir is led by Donna Hill ( and accompanied by Susan Renz (
They rehearse once a week in the evenings in the choir room downstairs.
wesley ringers
The Wesley Ringers, directed by Susan Renz (, is a 3+ octave handbell choir that plays in worship several times throughout the year, along with attending a local annual handbell festival. Music-reading skills are helpful, but not required. New members are always welcome, ages high school and older.
cherub & Young chimers
Our children are welcome to join the music choir opportunities that we have for them! Each group practices often before playing their pieces in worship. Reach out to Susan Renz if you are interested or have questions about these programs.
other music at central
Central loves to invite musicians from the local community to come play during worship! We are so thankful for all of the musicians who dedicate their time to playing for us. From cellists to brass players to opera singers and steel drums, Central enjoys bringing in a wide variety of music, both instrumentally and stylistically, into worship.